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Int 10 Fn BFA0  - Video - Compaq Adapt.com - Installation Check            [V]

   AX = BFA0h
   BX = ADADh

Return: AX = BDBDh if newer ADAPT.COM installed
       BX = BCD version (BH = major, BL = minor)
       CL = ???
       CH = ???
       DL = ???
   AX = ADADh if older version of ADAPT.COM installed
Program: ADAPT is Compaq's Advanced Display Attribute Programming Tool, an
     optionally-resident utility for setting display colors and cursor
     size; when resident, it also includes a screen blanker

See Also: AX=BFA1h,AX=BFA2h,AX=DFA5h
Index: screen saver;ADAPT

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