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Int 10 Fn 7F01  - Sollex SuperVGA - Adapter Control - Set Adapter          [V]

   AX = 7F01h
   BL = 00h
   CX = adapter request
       bits 1-0: adapter type (00 VGA, 01 EGA, 10 CGA, 11 MDA)
       bit 2:    reserved
       bits 4-3: change displays (00 none, 01 analog 10 digital 11 panel)
       bits 6-5: desired monitor sense (01 color, 10 mono, 11=8514)
       bit 7:    lock override
       bit 8:    alternate adapter mode
       bits 15-9: reserved

Return: AL = 7Fh if supported
       AH = status
       00h successful
       01h failed
   AL <> 7Fh if not supported

Note:  initializes video hardware to a particular standard

See Also: AX=7F00h,AX=7F01h/BL=01h,AX=7F01h/BL=02h

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