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Int 10 Fn 7F00  - Sollex SuperVGA - Get Extensions Info                    [V]

   AX = 7F00h

Return: AL <> 7Fh if not supported
   AL = 7Fh if supported
       AH = status
       00h successful
           ES:DI -> info structure (see below)
       01h failed
Program: the SOLLEX (Smos videO controLLer EXtensions) SuperVGA functions are
     an extension to the VESA SuperVGA BIOS Extensions (see AX=4F00h) by
     Seiko Epson Corporation intended to provided a standardized interface
     to SuperVGA functionality not addressed by the VESA standard

See Also: AX=4F00h

Format of info structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to VESA function dispatch table
 04h   DWORD   pointer to SOLLEX function dispatch table
 08h   DWORD   pointer to VESA SuperVGA info (see AX=4F00h)
 0Ch   DWORD   pointer to mode info structure table, consisting of
       alternating ResInfo (see below) and VESA mode information
       (see AX=4F01h) blocks, terminated with an FFFFh word
 10h   DWORD   pointer to font info structure table (see below)
 14h   WORD    high resolution crystal frequency in Hz (0000h = not present)
 16h   DWORD   pointer to ASCIZ ID string
 1Ah   DWORD   pointer to timeout reset table
       array of bytes, each a multiple of the minimum time increment
 1Eh   WORD    minimum time increment in timer ticks
 20h   BYTE    inverse options supported
       bit 0: inverse supported
       bits 1-7: reserved
 21h   BYTE    normal color value
 22h   BYTE    inverse color value
 23h   WORD    port to be accessed for normal/inverse settings
 25h   WORD    type of interface chip (currently undefined)
 27h   WORD    program operational mode
       bits 1-0: 00 no preference
             01 terse (minimum detail in program messages)
             10 verbose
             11 use menus if supported, verbose mode otherwise
       bits 7-2: reserved
 29h   WORD    SOLLEX specification version
 2Bh   WORD    version of VESA/SOLLEX implementation
 2Dh   DWORD   offset to relocatable portion of SOLLEX extensions (for CONFIG)
 2Eh   DWORD   offset to unused section of the extensions ROM
 31h 16 BYTEs  reserved

Note:  all DWORD pointers initially require segment fixups; if the segment
     is 0000h, it should be changed to the returned ES, otherwise it
     may be assumed to be correct

Format of ResInfo:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    16-bit mode number
 02h   WORD    adapter type (00h VGA, 01h EGA, 02h CGA, 03h MDA)
 04h   WORD    display info (see AX=7F01h/BL=01h)
 06h   DWORD   pointer to video parameter table
 0Ah   BYTE    replacement entry in master Video Parameter
 0Bh   BYTE    mode requested for mode set by BIOS
 0Ch   DWORD   pointer to LoadReg table
 10h   BYTE    index into table of clock values (see below)

Format of font info table [array] entry:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    required font height
 01h   BYTE    parameter to load text mode font
 02h   BYTE    parameter to load graphics mode font

Values for clock value index:
 00h   25 MHz
 01h   28 MHz
 02h   PCLK
 03h   31.5 MHz (VESA 640x480)
 04h   reserved
 05h   16 MHz (EGA)
 06h   PCLK
 07h   24 MHz (EGA)
 08h   25 MHz
 09h   28 MHz
 0Ah   36 MHz
 0Bh   45 MHz (for 1024x768)
 0Ch   80 MHz
 0Dh   40 MHz
 0Eh   65 MHz
 0Fh    1 MHz (for powerdown)

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