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Int 10 Fn 6F01  - Video - Video7 VGA,vega Vga,hp Ext BIOS - Get Monitor I  [V]

   AX = 6F01h

Return: AL = monitor type code (HP,VEGA VGA only) (see below)
   AH = status register information
        bit  0 = display enable
           0 = display enabled
           1 = vertical or horizontal retrace in progress
        bit  1 = light pen flip flop set
        bit  2 = light pen switch activated
        bit  3 = vertical sync
        bit  4 = monitor resolution
           0 = high resolution (>200 lines)
           1 = low resolution (<=200 lines)
        bit  5 = display type
           0 = color
           1 = monochrome
        bits6,7= diagnostic bits
   CL = current value of Extended Control register (HP Ext BIOS, and only
       if AL=41h)

Note:  bits 0-3 are the same as the EGA/VGA status register bits 0-3

Values for monitor type code (HP Extended BIOS):
 00h   non-HP card with ROM and possibly its own INT 10h driver
 41h   MultiMode video display adapter
 42h-44h reserved
 45h   industry standard monochrome display adapter
 46h   industry standard color display adapter
 51h   reserved

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson