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Int 10 Fn 5F  - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - Save/restore SuperVG  [V]

   AH = 5Fh
   AL = subfunction
       90h determine size of save buffer
       91h save state
       92h restore state
   CX = state mask (see below)
   ES:BX -> save buffer (subfunctions 91h,92h only)

Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported
       ---subfunction 90h---
       BX = number of 64-byte blocks required
       ---subfunction 92h---
       buffer at ES:BX filled

See Also: AH=1Ch,AX=5F03h

Bitfields for state mask:
 bit 0 video hardware
 bit 1 BIOS data state
 bit 2 DAC state
 bit 15 type (0 all state info, 1 SuperVGA state only)

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