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Int 10 Fn 5F03  - Chips & Technologies Extended BIOS - Set Power-on Video  [V]

   AX = 5F03h
   BL = configuration
       00h power-up display mode
       CL = display mode
       CH = mode
           bits 1-0 scanlines
           00: 200
           01: 350
           10: 400
           bit 7 persistence (0 reset on next boot, 1 until changed)
       01h power-up emulation mode
       CL = emulation mode (see AX=5F01h"Chips")
       CH = permanence (00h reset after next boot, 01h until changed)

Return: AL = 5Fh if function supported
       AH = status
       00h unsuccessful
       01h successful

See Also: AX=5F02h,AX=5F03h/BL=01h,AX=5F90h

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