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Int 10 Fn 5555  - Video - Ati EGA/vga Wonder Super Switch - Installation   [V]

   AX = 5555h

Return: AX = AAAAh    if installed
   BX:CX -> ??? routine in SMS.COM resident portion
         -> data area in VCONFIG
Program: Super Switch (SMS.COM) is a video mode switch program supplied with
     ATI EGA Wonder. It also maps video mode 08h to 27h or 23h.

See Also: INT 10/AH=00h,INT 2F/AX=6400h
Index: screen saver;ATI Wonder SMS.COM

Format of data area:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   original INT 09 vector
 04h   DWORD   original INT 10 vector
 08h   DWORD   original INT 1C vector
 0Ch   WORD    screen saver state, 0=off, 1=on
 0Eh   WORD    blanking interval in clock ticks

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