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Int 10 Fn 4F01  - VESA SuperVGA BIOS - Get Supervga Mode Information       [V]

   AX = 4F01h
   CX = SuperVGA video mode
   ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for mode information (see below)

Return: AL = 4Fh function supported
   AH = status
       00h successful
       ES:DI buffer filled
       01h failed
Desc:  determine the attributes of the specified video mode

See Also: AX=4F00h,AX=4F02h

Format of mode information:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    mode attributes
       bit 0: mode supported
       bit 1: optional information available
       bit 2: BIOS output supported
       bit 3: set if color, clear if monochrome
       bit 4: set if graphics mode, clear if text mode
 02h   BYTE    window A attributes
       bit 0: exists
       bit 1: readable
       bit 2: writable
       bits 3-7 reserved
 03h   BYTE    window B attributes (as for window A)
 04h   WORD    window granularity in KB
 06h   WORD    window size in KB
 08h   WORD    start segment of window A
 0Ah   WORD    start segment of window B
 0Ch   DWORD   -> FAR window positioning function (equivalent to AX=4F05h)
 10h   WORD    bytes per scan line
---remainder is optional for VESA modes in v1.0/1.1, needed for OEM modes---
 12h   WORD    width in pixels (graphics) or characters (text)
 14h   WORD    height in pixels (graphics) or characters (text)
 16h   BYTE    width of character cell in pixels
 17h   BYTE    height of character cell in pixels
 18h   BYTE    number of memory planes
 19h   BYTE    number of bits per pixel
 1Ah   BYTE    number of banks
 1Bh   BYTE    memory model type (see below)
 1Ch   BYTE    size of bank in KB
 1Dh   BYTE    number of image pages
 1Eh   BYTE    reserved (0)
---VBE v1.2+---
 1Fh   BYTE    red mask size
 20h   BYTE    red field position
 21h   BYTE    green mask size
 22h   BYTE    green field size
 23h   BYTE    blue mask size
 24h   BYTE    blue field size
 25h   BYTE    reserved mask size
 26h   BYTE    reserved mask position
 27h   BYTE    direct color mode info
 28h 216 BYTEs reserved (0)

Values for memory model type:
 00h   text
 01h   CGA graphics
 02h   HGC graphics
 03h   16-color (EGA) graphics
 04h   packed pixel graphics
 05h   "sequ 256" (non-chain 4) graphics
 06h   direct color (HiColor, 24-bit color)
 07h   YUV (luminance-chrominance, also called YIQ)
 08h-0Fh reserved for VESA
 10h-FFh OEM memory models

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