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Int 10 Fn 3000  - Video - Locate 3270pc Configuration Table (installation  [V]

   AX = 3000h
   CX = 0000h
   DX = 0000h

Return: CX:DX -> 3270PC configuration table (see below)
   CX:DX = 0000h:0000h if 3270PC Control Program not active

See Also: AX=1F01h

Format of 3270 PC configuration table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    aspect ratio X
 01h   BYTE    aspect ratio Y
 02h   BYTE    monitor type (see below)
 03h   BYTE    reserved
 04h   BYTE    adapter ID
       00h = 5151/5272 adapter
       04h = 5151/5272 with XGA adapter
       30h = 3295 or 3270PC G/GX adapter
 05h   BYTE    reserved
 06h   BYTE    function flags 1 (see below)
 07h   BYTE    function flags 2
       bit 6: GPI graphics supported
 08h   WORD    segment address of Control Program Level table (see below)
 0Ah 10 BYTEs  reserved

Values for monitor type:
 00h   5151 (mono) or 5272 (color)
 01h   3295
 02h   5151 or 5272 with XGA (???) graphics adapter
 03h   5279 with 3270PC G adapter
 04h   5379 model C01 with 3270PC GX adapter
 05h   5379 model M01 with 3270PC GX adapter
 07h   non-3270PC with 3270 Workstation Program
 FFh   3270PC Control Program not loaded

Bitfields for function flags 1:
 bit 7 mono text, 1 page
 bit 6 color text, 1 page
 bit 5 color text, 4 pages
 bit 4 CGA color graphics
 bit 3 720x350 two-color graphics
 bit 2 360x350 four-color graphics
 bit 1 720x350 eight-color graphics

Format of Control Program Level table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    program version
       02xxh = 3270PC Control Program v2.xx
       03xxh = 3270PC Control Program v3.xx
       04xxh = 3270 Workstation Program v1.xx
 02h   BYTE    Control Program ID (00h)
 03h 27 BYTEs  Control Program Descriptor ("IBM 3270 PC CONTROL PROGRAM")

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