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Int 10 Fn 1D  - Speedstar Plus BIOS V4.23+ - Set Sync Parameters           [V]

   AH = 1Dh
   AL = video mode
   ES = caller's segment

Return: nothing

Note:  the caller's segment contains at offset 5Ch (FCB field in PSP)
     or 100h a table with sync parameters (BIOS looks at both offsets)

Format of sync table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  9 BYTEs  ID contains string 'ey5CENTER'
 09h  5 BYTEs  sync parameters for 640x480 modes 11h,12h,25h,26h,2Eh
 0Bh  5 BYTEs  sync parameters for 800x600 modes 29h,30h,2Ah
 13h  5 BYTEs  sync parameters for 1024x768 modes 37h,38h

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