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Int 10 Fn 15  - Video - Get Physical Display Parameters (convertible)      [V]

   AH = 15h

Return: AX = alternate display adapter type (see below)
   ES:DI -> parameter table (see below)

See Also: AH=1Bh

Values for alternate display adapter type:
 0000h none
 5140h LCD
 5153h CGA
 5151h mono

Format of display parameter table:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    monitor model number
 02h   WORD    vertical pixels per meter
 04h   WORD    horizontal pixels per meter
 06h   WORD    total vertical pixels
 08h   WORD    total horizontal pixels
 0Ah   WORD    horizontal pixel separation in micrometers
 0Ch   WORD    vertical pixel separation in micrometers

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