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Int 10 Fn 13  - Video - Write String (at And Later,ega)                    [V]

   AH = 13h
   AL = write mode
      bit 0: update cursor after writing
      bit 1: string contains alternating characters and attributes
   BH = page number
   BL = attribute if string contains only characters
   CX = number of characters in string
   DH,DL = row,column at which to start writing
   ES:BP -> string to write

Notes: recognizes CR, LF, BS, and bell
   also available PC or XT with EGA or higher
   HP 95LX only supports write mode 00h
BUG:   on the IBM VGA Adapter, any scrolling which may occur is performed on
     the active page rather than the requested page

See Also: AH=09h,AH=0Ah

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