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Int 10 Fn 12  - Cirrus Logic BIOS V3.02 - Inquire Options                  [-]

   AH = 12h
   BL = 84h

Return: AX = user options word (see below)

See Also: AH=12h/BL=89h,AH=12h/BL=8Ah,AH=12h/BL=8Bh,AH=12h/BL=8Ch,AH=12h/BL=8Fh

See Also: AH=12h/BL=90h,AH=12h/BL=9Ah

Bitfields for user options word:
 bits 1,0  centering
       00 vertical centered, 01 from bottom, 10 from top, 11 reserved
 bits 3,2  720-dot fix-up options
       00 OR every 8th and 9th pixel
       01 display MGA mode from left
       10 display MGA mode from right
       11 skip every 9th pixel
 bit 4     ???
 bits 7-5  video mode
       001 CGA
       010 MGA
       011 EGA
       100 VGA
 bit 8     external monitor enabled instead of LCD panel
 bit 9     vertical expand mode enabled
 bit 10        8-bit mode instead of 16-bit mode
 bit 11        normal video rather than reverse video (for LCD)
 bit 12        attribute automap rather than attribute emulation
 bit 13        bold mode disabled (default)
 bit 14        fast bandwidth
 bit 15        ???

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