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Int 10 Fn 1130  - Video - Get Font Information (ega, Mcga, VGA)            [V]

   AX = 1130h
   BH = pointer specifier
       00h INT 1Fh pointer
       01h INT 43h pointer
       02h ROM 8x14 character font pointer
       03h ROM 8x8 double dot font pointer
       04h ROM 8x8 double dot font (high 128 characters)
       05h ROM alpha alternate (9 by 14) pointer (EGA,VGA)
       06h ROM 8x16 font (MCGA, VGA)
       07h ROM alternate 9x16 font (VGA only)
       11h (UltraVision v2+) 8x20 font (VGA) or 8x19 font (autosync EGA)
       12h (UltraVision v2+) 8x10 font (VGA) or 8x11 font (autosync EGA)

Return: ES:BP = specified pointer
   CX    = bytes/character of on-screen font (not the requested font!)
   DL    = highest character row on screen

Note:  for UltraVision v2+, the 9xN alternate fonts follow the corresponding
     8xN font at ES:BP+256N
BUG:   the IBM EGA and some other EGA cards return in DL the number of rows on
     screen rather than the highest row number (which is one less).

See Also: AX=1100h,AX=1120h,INT 1F,INT 43

Format of alternate font table [array]:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    character to be replaced (00h = end of table)
 01h  N BYTEs  graphics data for character, one byte per scan line

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