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Int E0  - Dr Multiuser DOS - "p_delay" - Delay Execution                   [O]

   CL = BDh
   DX = delay in system ticks

Return: after the delay elapses

Notes: the length of a system tick is installation-dependent (typically
     1/50 or 1/60 second); the length may be determined by reading the
     TICKSPERSEC value from the system data segment
   the actual delay before the process is rescheduled to run may be up to
     one tick longer than requested; the delay between rescheduling and
     actual execution cannot be predicted if higher-priority processes
     are awaiting a turn at the CPU

See Also: INT 15/AH=86h,INT 1A/AX=FF01h,INT 2F/AX=1224h,INT 62/AX=0096h

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