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Int D4 Fn 22  - PC-mos/386 V5.01 - Add A Task To The System                [O]

   AH = 22h
   DS:SI -> addtask data structure (see below)

Return: CF clear if successful
       ES = segment address of the new task's TCB data structure
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (see below)

See Also: AH=21h

Values for error code:
 08h   insufficient memory
 0Bh   invalid addtask structure format
 12h   insufficient available space in system memory pool
 1Fh   general failure
 55h   already allocated
 57h   if task already in use or invalid parameter

Format of addtask data structure:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    task size in KB (min 16KB)
 02h   WORD    task ID (0000h for automatic selection)
 04h   BYTE    task class (' ' or 'A'-'Z')
 05h   DWORD   -> ASCIZ name of task startup batchfile
 09h   DWORD   -> task's terminal driver (0000000h = background task)
 0Dh   WORD    task port
 0Fh   DWORD   task baud rate
 13h   DWORD   (return) total extended memory
 17h   DWORD   (return) number of 4K extended memory pages allocated
 1Bh   WORD    (return) paragraphs of system memory pool allocated
 1Dh   WORD    (return) system memory pool size in paragraphs
 1Fh   WORD    (return) ASCII task percentage of system memory pool
 21h  3 BYTEs  reserved

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