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Int 88  - Apl*plus/pc - Create Object Of Arbitrary Rank Or Shape           [r]

   AL = 00h
   BX = STPTR of the variable to be assigned
   ES:SI -> model of type, rank, and shape (see below)

Return: ES:DI -> first data byte of object
   DX:CX = number of elements in the object

See Also: INT C8"APL"

Format of shape model:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    type
       01h character (2-byte dimension sizes)
       02h integer (2-byte dimension sizes)
       08h floating point (2-byte dimension sizes)
       11h character (4-byte dimension sizes)
       12h integer (4-byte dimension sizes)
       18h floating point (4-byte dimension sizes)
 01h   BYTE    rank
 02h   WORD/DWORD first dimension of shape
 N WORD/DWORD second dimension of shape

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