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Int 7F Fn 11  - Alloy Ntnx, Mw386 - Send Datagram                          [N]

   AH = 11h
   DX:SI -> request block (see below)

Return: AL = status (see below)

Note:  if wildcard channel FFh used, actual channel number will be filled in

See Also: AH=12h

Values for status:
 00h   successful
 01h   busy
 02h   channel range error (not 00h-3Fh)
 03h   invalid subfunction
 0Ah   packet too large (or <2 bytes if NTNX)
 0Bh   can't send packet to itself
 0Ch   invalid number of destinations
 0Dh   destination channel number out of range
 0Eh   destination user is busy
 0Fh   destination user has locked channel
 10h   channel not open
 11h   no datagram server on destination (NTNX)

Format of request block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   pointer to packet to send
 04h   WORD    packet size in bytes (1-4096)
 06h   BYTE    number of destinations for packet (max 1Fh)
 07h 31 BYTEs  destination user IDs (FFh = broadcast to all except sender)
 26h 31 BYTEs  destination channels (FFh = first available channel)
 45h 31 BYTEs  return destination statuses

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