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Int 7F Fn 0B  - G8bpq V4.00+ - Host Mode - Receive Trace (raw Data) Frame  [N]

   AH = 0Bh
   ES:DI -> buffer for received data (see below)

Return: CX = number of bytes received

Note:  the specified buffer must be large enough to receive a full frame

See Also: AH=03h"G8BPQ",AH=08h"G8BPQ",AH=0Ah"G8BPQ"

Format of received data:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    internal control information
 02h   BYTE    port number (bit 7 set if transmitted frame)
 03h   WORD    frame length including this header
 05h   var user data

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson