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Int 7F Fn 0105  - Hdiload.exe - 8514/a Video Controller Interface          [V]

   AX = 0105h

Return: CF set on error
   CF clear if successful
       CX:DX -> array of FAR pointers to entry points

Note:  most functions are invoked by pushing the DWORD parameter block pointer
     and then performing a FAR call via the appropriate vector of the
     entry point array

See Also: AX=0104h,AX=ABCDh

Function numbers: (do FAR call via entry_points+4*function)
 08h   HOPEN
 10h   HINT
 13h   HLDPAL
 15h   HBBW
 17h   HBBR
 18h   HBBCHN
 22h   HCLOSE
 30h   HINIT
 31h   HSYNC
 39h   HSPAL
 3Ah   HRPAL

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