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Int 7C Fn 0015  - Sk-upps Data Link Interface API - Dli 2.6+ - Get Media   [N]

   AX = 0015h
   ES:DI -> media-specific statistics buffer (see below)
   BX = offset of 1st field within MSS to be returned
   CX = number of bytes to be returned

Return: AX = completion code (see AX=0001h)
   CX = number of bytes copied (regardless of value returned in AX)

Note:  not supported by all DLIs (will return AX=FFFFh if not supported).

See Also: AX=0000h,AX=000Dh

Format of media-specific statistics for Ethernet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   alignment errors
 04h   DWORD   frame check sequence (FCS) errors
 08h   DWORD   single collision frames
 0Ch   DWORD   multiple collision frames
 10h   DWORD   signal quality error (SQE) test errors
 14h   DWORD   deferred transmissions
 18h   DWORD   late collisions
 1Ch   DWORD   excessive collisions
 20h   DWORD   internal MAC transmit errors
 24h   DWORD   carrier sense errors
 28h   DWORD   excessive deferrals
 2Ch   DWORD   frame too longs
 30h   DWORD   in range length errors
 34h   DWORD   out of range length fields
 38h   DWORD   internal MAC receive errors

Format of media-specific statistics for FDDI:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   SMT operating version id (refer to ANSI
 04h   DWORD   SMT CF state: 1=Isolated, 2= Wrap_S, 3=Wrap_A, 4=Wrap_B,
        5=Wrap_AB, 6=Thru (refer to ANSI SMT
 08h   DWORD   SMT frames sent
 0Ch   DWORD   SMT frames received
 10h   DWORD   SMT ring up count
 14h  6 BYTEs  MAC upstream neighbour
 1Ah  6 BYTEs  MAC downstream neighbour
 20h   DWORD   MAC frame counter (refer to ANSI MAC 2.2.1)
 24h   DWORD   MAC error counter ( " )
 28h   DWORD   MAC lost counter ( " )
 2Ch   BYTE    port 1 link error estimate (ranges from 10**-4 to 10**-15 and
        is reported as the absolute value of the exponent)
 2Dh   BYTE    port 2 link error estimate ( " )
 2Eh  2 BYTEs  reserved (currently unused)
 30h   DWORD   attachment class: 1=single-attachment (S PORT),
        2=dual-attachment (A/B PORT pairs), 3=concentrator (M PORTs)
 34h   DWORD   attachment optical bypass present: 1=true, 2=false

Format of media-specific statistics for Token-Ring:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  6 BYTEs  upstream neighbour
 06h   WORD    local ring number
 08h   DWORD   ring up count
 0Ch   DWORD   signal loss errors
 10h   DWORD   lobe wire faults
 14h   DWORD   ring recovery count
 18h   DWORD   line errors
 1Ch   DWORD   burst errors
 20h   DWORD   ARI/FCI errors
 24h   DWORD   lost frame errors
 28h   DWORD   receive congestion errors
 2Ch   DWORD   frame copied errors
 30h   DWORD   token errors
 34h   DWORD   DMA bus errors
 38h   DWORD   DMA parity errors
 3Ch   DWORD   receive overflow errors

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