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Int 7C Fn 000B  - Sk-upps Data Link Interface API - Get Protocol List      [N]

   AX = 000Bh
   ES:DI -> protocol ID buffer
   CX = number of 2-byte protocol IDs that may be stored in buffer

Return: AX = completion code (see AX=0001h)
   CX = number of active protocols (regardless of value returned in AX)
   protocol ID buffer filled with active protocol IDs
Program: SK-UPPS is the Schneider & Koch Universal Portable Protocol Stack,
     which provides an API on top of its Data Link Interface, allowing the
     use of any of several network transport layers

Note:  If the buffer supplied is too small, CX still contains the total number
     of active protocols and the buffer has been filled until full.

See Also: AX=000Ch,AX=0014h

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