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Int 10 Fn 00  - Video - Set Video Mode                                     [V]

   AH = 00h
   AL = mode (see below)

Return: AL = video mode flag (Phoenix BIOS)
       20h mode > 7
       30h modes 0-5 and 7
       3Fh mode 6
   AL = CRT controller mode byte (Phoenix 386 BIOS v1.10)
Desc:  specify the display mode for the currently active display adapter

Notes: IBM standard modes do not clear the screen if the high bit of AL is set
     (EGA or higher only)
   the Tseng ET4000 chipset is used by the Orchid Prodesigner II, Diamond
     SpeedSTAR VGA, Groundhog Graphics Shadow VGA, Boca Super X VGA,
     Everex EV-673
   the installation check for Ahead adapters is the signature "AHEAD" at
   the installation check for Paradise adapters is the signature "VGA=" at
   the installation check for Oak Tech OTI-037/057/067/077 chipsets is the
     signature "OAK VGA" at C000h:0008h
   the installation check for ATI adapters is the signature "761295520" at
     C000h:0031h; the byte at C000h:0043h indicates the chipset revision:
       31h for 18800
       32h for 18800-1
       33h for 18800-2
       34h for 18800-4
       35h for 18800-5
     the two bytes at C000h:0040h indicate the adapter type
       "22" EGA Wonder
       "31" VGA Wonder
       "32" EGA Wonder800+
     the byte at C000h:0042h contains feature flags
       bit 1: mouse port present
       bit 4: programmable video clock
     the byte at C000h:0044h contains additional feature flags if chipset
       byte > 30h (see below)
   the installation check for Genoa video adapters is the signature
     77h XXh 99h 66h at C000h:NNNNh, where NNNNh is stored at C000h:0037h
     and XXh is
       00h for Genoa 6200/6300
       11h for Genoa 6400/6600
       22h for Genoa 6100
       33h for Genoa 5100/5200
       55h for Genoa 5300/5400
     for SuperEGA BIOS v2.41+, C000h:0057h contains the product level
     for SuperEGA BIOS v3.0+, C000h:0070h contains the signature
       "EXTMODE", indicating support for extended modes

See Also: AX=0070h,AX=007Eh,AX=10E0h,AX=10F0h,AH=40h,AX=6F05h,AH=FFh"GO32"

See Also: INT 33/AX=0028h,INT 5F/AH=00h,INT 62/AX=0001h
Index: installation check;Tseng ET4000|installation check;Ahead video cards
Index: installation check;Oak Technologies|installation check;ATI video cards
Index: installation check;Paradise video|installation check;Genoa video cards

Bitfields for ATI additional feature flags:
 bit 0 70 Hz non-interlaced display
 bit 1 Korean (double-byte) characters
 bit 2 45 MHz memory clock rather than 40 MHz
 bit 3 zero wait states
 bit 4 paged ROMs
 bit 6 no 8514/A monitor support
 bit 7 HiColor DAC

Values for video mode:
      text/ text pixel  pixel  colors  disply  scrn  system
      grph resol  box  resoltn     pages   addr
 00h = T   40x25  8x8      16gray     8    B800 CGA,PCjr
     = T   40x25  8x14     16gray     8    B800 EGA
     = T   40x25  8x16       16       8    B800 MCGA
     = T   40x25  9x16       16       8    B800 VGA
 01h = T   40x25  8x8        16       8    B800 CGA,PCjr
     = T   40x25  8x14       16       8    B800 EGA
     = T   40x25  8x16       16       8    B800 MCGA
     = T   40x25  9x16       16       8    B800 VGA
 02h = T   80x25  8x8      16gray     4    B800 CGA,PCjr
     = T   80x25  8x14     16gray     4    B800 EGA
     = T   80x25  8x16       16       4    B800 MCGA
     = T   80x25  9x16       16       4    B800 VGA
 03h = T   80x25  8x8        16       4    B800 CGA,PCjr
     = T   80x25  8x14       16       4    B800 EGA
     = T   80x25  8x16       16       4    B800 MCGA
     = T   80x25  9x16       16       4    B800 VGA
 04h = G   40x25  8x8  320x200    4        B800 CGA,PCjr,EGA,MCGA,VGA
 05h = G   40x25  8x8  320x200  4gray      B800 CGA,PCjr,EGA
     = G   40x25  8x8  320x200    4        B800 MCGA,VGA
 06h = G   80x25  8x8  640x200    2        B800 CGA,PCjr,EGA,MCGA,VGA
 07h = T   80x25  9x14      mono     var   B000 MDA,Hercules,EGA
     = T   80x25  9x16      mono       B000 VGA
 08h = T  132x25  8x8        16        B800 ATI EGA/VGA Wonder [2]
     = T  132x25  8x8       mono       B000 ATI EGA/VGA Wonder [2]
     = G   20x25  8x8  160x200   16             PCjr, Tandy 1000
     = G   90x43  8x8  720x352  mono       B000 Hercules + MSHERC.COM
     = G   90x45  8x8       mono       B000 Hercules + HERKULES [11]
 09h = G   40x25  8x8  320x200   16             PCjr
 0Ah = G   80x25  8x8  640x200    4             PCjr, Tandy 1000
 0Bh =  reserved (used internally by EGA BIOS)
     = G       640x200   16             Tandy 1000 SL/TL
 0Ch =  reserved (used internally by EGA BIOS)
 0Dh = G   40x25  8x8  320x200   16       8    A000 EGA,VGA
 0Eh = G   80x25  8x8  640x200   16       4    A000 EGA,VGA
 0Fh = G   80x25  8x14 640x350  mono      2    A000 EGA,VGA
 10h = G   80x25  8x14 640x350    4       2    A000 64k EGA
     = G       640x350   16        A000 256k EGA,VGA
 11h = G   80x30  8x16 640x480  mono       A000 VGA,MCGA,ATI EGA,ATI VIP
 12h = G   80x30  8x16 640x480  16/256k    A000 VGA,ATI VIP
     = G   80x30  8x16 640x480  16/64      A000 ATI EGA Wonder
     = G       640x480   16             UltraVision+256K EGA
 13h = G   40x25  8x8  320x200 256/256k    A000 VGA,MCGA,ATI VIP
 14h = T  132x25  Nx16       16             XGA, IBM Enhanced VGA [3]
     = T  132x25  8x16 1056x400     16/256k         Cirrus CL-GD5420/5422/5426
     = G   80x25  8x8  640x200              Lava Chrome II EGA
     = G       640x400   16             Tecmar VGA/AD
 15h = G   80x25  8x14 640x350              Lava Chrome II EGA
 16h = G   80x25  8x14 640x350              Lava Chrome II EGA
     = G       800x600   16             Tecmar VGA/AD
 17h = T  132x25                    Tecmar VGA/AD
     = T   80x43  8x8  640x350   16       4    B800 Tseng ET4000 BIOS [10]
     = G   80x34  8x14 640x480              Lava Chrome II EGA
 18h = T   80x30  9x16 720x480   16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = T  132x25        mono       B000 Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = T  132x44  8x8       mono       B000 Tseng Labs EVA
     = T  132x44  9x8  1188x352      4gray    2    B000 Tseng ET3000 chipset
     = T  132x44  8x8       16/256    2    B000 Tseng ET4000 chipset
     = G   80x34  8x14 640x480              Lava Chrome II EGA
     = G          1024x768   16             Tecmar VGA/AD
 19h = T   80x43  9x11 720x473   16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = T  132x25  8x14      mono       B000 Tseng Labs EVA
     = T  132x25  9x14 1188x350      4gray    4    B000 Tseng ET3000 chipset
     = T  132x25  8x14      16/256    4    B000 Tseng ET4000 chipset
     = T  132x34        mono       B000 Cirrus 5320 chipset
 1Ah = T   80x60  9x8  720x480   16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = T  132x28  8x13      mono       B000 Tseng Labs EVA
     = T  132x28  9x13 1188x364      4gray    4    B000 Tseng ET3000 chipset
     = T  132x28  8x13      16/256    4    B000 Tseng ET4000 chipset
     = T  132x44        mono       B000 Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = G       640x350  256             Tecmar VGA/AD
 1Bh = T  132x25  9x14 1188x350      16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = G       640x400  256             Tecmar VGA/AD
 1Ch = T  132x25                    Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = T  132x30  9x16 1188x480      16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = G       640x480  256             Tecmar VGA/AD
 1Dh = T  132x43                    Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = T  132x43  9x11 1188x473      16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = G       800x600  256             Tecmar VGA/AD
 1Eh = T  132x44                    Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = T  132x60  9x8  1188x480      16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
 1Fh = G  100x75  8x8  800x600   16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA
 20h = T  132x25         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = G       240x128         B000 HP 95LX
     = G  120x45  8x16 960x720   16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA
 21h = T  132x30         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = T  132x44  9x9  1188x396     16/256k    B800 WD90C
     = T  132x44  9x9        16        B800 Diamond Speedstar 24X
     = T  132x60         16       2    B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset [10]
     = G   80x43  8x8  720x348  mono       B000 DESQview 2.x+Hercules [4]
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768      16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
 22h = T  132x43                    Allstar Peacock (VGA)
     = T  132x43         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = T  132x44  8x8                   Tseng Labs EVA
     = T  132x44  9x8  1188x352     16/256k   2    B800 Tseng ET3000 chipset
     = T  132x44  8x8       16/256k   2    B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset
     = T  132x44  8x8                   Ahead Systems EGA2001
     = T  132x44  8x8        16       2    B800 Ahead B
     = T  132x44         16             Orchid Prodesigner VGA
     = G   80x43  8x8  720x348  mono       B800 DESQview 2.x+Hercules [4]
     = G   96x64  8x16 768x1024  16       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA
 23h = T  132x25  6x14                  Tseng Labs EVA
     = T  132x25  9x14 1188x350     16/256k   4    B800 Tseng ET3000 chipset
     = T  132x25  8x14      16/256    4    B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset
     = T  132x25  8x14                  Ahead Systems EGA2001
     = T  132x25  8x14       16       4    B800 Ahead B
     = T  132x25  8x8        16        B800 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP
     = T  132x25                    Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = T  132x28                    Allstar Peacock (VGA)
     = T  132x28         16             Orchid Prodesigner VGA
     = T  132x60         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = G  128x48  8x16 1024x768       4       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA
 24h = T   80x30         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = T  132x25                    Allstar Peacock (VGA)
     = T  132x25         16             Orchid Prodesigner VGA
     = T  132x28  6x13                  Tseng Labs EVA
     = T  132x28  9x13 1188x364     16/256k   4    B800 Tseng ET3000 chipset
     = T  132x28  8x13      16/256k   4    B800 Tseng ET4000 chipset
     = T  132x28  8x12       16       1    B800 Ahead B
     = T  132x28                    Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = G   64x32  8x16 512x512  256       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA
 25h = T   80x43         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480              Tseng Labs EVA
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480  16/256k   1    A000 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset
     = G       640x480   16             VEGA VGA
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480   16        A000 Orchid Prodesigner VGA
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480   16       1    A000 Ahead B (same as 26h)
     = G       640x480   16             NEC GB-1
     = G       640x480   16             Cirrus 5320 chipset
     = G       640x400  256             Realtek RTVGA
 26h = T   80x60  8x8                   Tseng Labs EVA
     = T   80x60  8x8  640x480  16/256k   3    B800 Tseng ET3000/4000 chipset
     = T   80x60                    Allstar Peacock (VGA)
     = T   80x60         16             Orchid ProDesigner VGA
     = T   80x60         16             Avance Logic AL2101
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480              Ahead Systems EGA2001
     = G   80x60  8x8  640x480   16       1    A000 Ahead B (same as 25h)
     = G       640x480  256             Realtek RTVGA
 27h = T  132x25  8x8       mono       B000 ATI EGA Wonder,ATI VIP
     = G       720x512   16             VEGA VGA
     = G       720x512   16             Genoa
     = G  100x75  8x8  800x600  256       1    A000 Realtek RTVGA [12]
     = G       960x720   16             Avance Logic AL2101
 28h = T  ???x???                   VEGA VGA
     = G       512x512  256             Avance Logic AL2101
     = G          1024x768  256             Realtek RTVGA (1meg)

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