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Int 6F Fn 0D  - 10net - "who" - Enumerate Users On Network                 [N]

   AH = 0Dh
   AL = type code
       01h return superstations only
       02h return non-superstations only
       otherwise return all
   CX = length of data buffer
   DS:DX -> array of records to be filled (see below)

Return: CL = number of records returned (responding stations)

See Also: AH=16h,AH=8Dh

Format of station record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 12 BYTEs  node ID
 0Ch   BYTE    flags
       bit 1: workstation
       bit 2: superstation
       bit 3: xgate
       bit 4: active gate
---if AL = 01h---
 0Dh   BYTE    version number
 0Eh   WORD    level number of 10Net software in responding node
---if AL = 02h---
 0Dh  8 BYTEs  user ID
 15h   BYTE    version number
 16h   WORD    level number

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