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Int 6F Fn 0B  - 10net - Lock Semaphore, Return Immediately                 [N]

   AH = 0Bh
   AL = drive number or 0
   ES:SI = Ethernet address or 0
   DS:BX -> 31-byte ASCIZ semaphore name

Return: AL = status (see below)

Note:  same as INT 60/AH=12h

See Also: AH=0Ch,INT 60/AH=12h

Values for status:
 00h   successful
 01h   semaphore currently locked
 02h   server not responding
 03h   invalid semaphore name
 04h   semaphore list is full
 05h   invalid drive ID
 06h   invalid Ethernet address
 07h   not logged in
 08h   write to network failed
 09h   semaphore already logged in this CPU
Index: error codes;10-Net|10-Net;error codes

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