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Int 6F Fn 04  - 10net - Send                                               [N]

   AH = 04h
   DS:BX -> send record (see below)
   DS:DX -> data (max 1024 bytes)

Return:    CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AX = error code (see AH=00h)

See Also: AH=05h,AH=09h,AH=0Ah

Format of send record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 12 BYTEs  receiving node's ID
       if first byte has high-order bit set, message is directed to
         the CT_RGATE vector at the receiver
       if second byte is 00h, first byte is taken as a CB
         channel number and delivered to all nodes on same channel
 0Ch   WORD     length of data at DX

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