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Int 6A Fn 0001  U - Super-tcp DOS Tsr Kernel V3.57 - ???                   [N]

   AX = 0001h
   BH = function number
       01h ???
       DS:SI -> ??? 24-byte record1 (see below)
       ES:DI -> buffer containing ???
       02h ???
       DS:SI -> ??? 18-byte record2 (see below)
       ES:DI -> buffer containing ???
       04h ???
       BL = subfunction
           DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record3 (see below)
           ES:DI -> buffer containing ???
           DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record3 (see below)
           ES:DI -> buffer containing ???
           DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record3 (see below)

           else Return: AX = 0005h
       05h ???
       DS:SI -> ??? 20-byte record4 (see below)
       ES:DI -> buffer containing ???
       06h ???
       BL = subfunction
           DS:SI -> ??? 40-byte record5 (see below)
           DS:SI -> ??? 20-byte record6 (see below)
           ES:DI -> ???
           DS:SI -> ??? 20-byte record6 (see below)
           DS:SI -> ??? 46-byte record7 (see below)

           else Return: AX = 0005h
       11h ???
       DS:SI -> ??? 28-byte record8 (see below)
       ES:DI -> ???

Return: AX = function status
       0000h successful
       0005h unsupported function
       000Ah out of memory

See Also: AX=0000h

Format of record1:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  ???
 04h   WORD    size of ES:DI buffer
 06h 18 BYTEs  ???

Format of record2:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  ???
 04h   WORD    size of ES:DI buffer
 06h 12 BYTEs  ???

Format of record3:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  2 BYTEs  ???
 02h   WORD    ???
 04h   WORD    size of ES:DI buffer
 06h   WORD    ???
 08h   WORD    operation number (for function 0401h)
 0Ah   DWORD   -> ???
 0Eh   WORD    (return) ???
 10h 12 BYTEs  ???

Format of record4:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  ???
 04h   WORD    size of ES:DI buffer
 06h 14 BYTEs  ???

Format of record5:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    operation??? (00h-07h)
 01h   BYTE    ???
 02h   WORD    (return) ???
 04h   DWORD   -> ???
 08h  4 BYTEs  ???
 0Ch   DWORD   -> ??? or 0000h:0000h
 10h 16 BYTEs  ???
 20h   DWORD   ???
 24h  4 BYTEs  ???

Format of record6:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  ???
 04h   WORD    size of ES:DI buffer
 06h 14 BYTEs  ???

Format of record7:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    ???
 02h   WORD    ???
 04h   WORD    ???
 06h 40 BYTEs  ???

Format of record8:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  4 BYTEs  ???
 04h   WORD    size of ES:DI buffer
 06h  6 BYTEs  ???
 0Ch   WORD    (return) ???
 0Eh   WORD    operation??? (01h-03h)
 10h 12 BYTEs  ???

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