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Int 68 Fn FB  - Appc/pc - Convert                                          [N]

   AH = FBh
   DS:DX -> control block (see below)

Return: control block updated

Format of control block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 12 BYTEs  reserved
 0Ch   WORD    1A00h (verb "CONVERT")
 0Eh  6 BYTEs  00h
 14h   DWORD   (big-endian) return code
 18h   BYTE    conversion
       00h ASCII to EBCDIC
       01h EBCDIC to ASCII
 19h   BYTE    character set
       00h AE
       01h A
       02h G
 1Ah   WORD    length of string to convert
 1Ch   DWORD   pointer to source
 20h   DWORD   pointer to target

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson