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Int 67 Fn DE01  - Virtual Control Program Interface - Get Protected Mode   [E]

   AX = DE01h
   ES:DI -> 4K page table buffer
   DS:SI -> three descriptor table entries in GDT
       first becomes code segment descriptor, other two for use by
       main control program

Return: AH = 00h successful
       DI -> first unused page table entry in buffer
       EBX -> protected mode entry point in code segment
   AH = nonzero  failed

Note:  protected mode entry point may be called with AX=DE00h-DE05h and
     AX=DE0Ch (in each case, all other registers as appropriate for
     the function)

See Also: INT 2F/AX=1687h,INT 67/AH=3Fh

QEMM v6.03 protected mode entry point may also be called with:
   AX = DF00h ???

       Return: ???
   AX = DF01h ???

       Return: ???

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