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Int 67 Fn 5BF1  - Micemm V4d, Rm386 - Get Address Map                      [m]

   AX = 5BF1h
   ES:BX -> 256-byte (MICEMM) or 512-byte (RM386) buffer for memory types

Return: AH = 00h
   ES:BX buffer filled

Note:  each byte in the buffer specifies the type of a 4K page of memory

See Also: AX=5BE0h,AX=5BF0h

Values for memory type:
 00h   unused (MICEMM), RAM/available (RM386)
 02h   DOS extension (XMS UMB)
 04h   shadowed ROM
 08h   mappable EMS
 10h   page frame
 20h   ROM
 40h   reserved (video memory, etc)
 80h   RAM (MICEMM), Windows UMB (RM386)

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