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Int 67 Fn 56  - LIM EMS 4.0 - Alter Page Map And Call                      [m]

   AH = 56h
   AL = subfunction
       00h physical page numbers provided by caller
       DX = handle
       DS:SI -> structure containing page map and call address
       01h segment addresses provided by caller
       DX = handle
       DS:SI -> structure containing page map and call address
       02h get page map stack space required

       Return: BX = stack space required

Return: (if successful, the target address is called.  Use a RETF to return and
    restore mapping context)
   AH = status (see AH=55h)

See Also: AH=55h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson