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Int 67 Fn 3F  U - QEMM-386 V4.23+ - Installation Check                     [m]

   AH = 3Fh
   CX = 5145h ("QE")
   DX = 4D4Dh ("MM")

Return: AH = 00h if installed
       ES:DI -> QEMM API entry point

Notes: if no other program has hooked INT 67, an alternate installation
     check is to test for the string
     "QUARTERDECK EXPANDED MEMORY MANAGER 386" at offset 14h in the INT 67
     handler's segment; the word at offset 12h contains the offset in
     the handler's segment of the API entry point
   although this function is still undocumented, Quarterdeck has recently
     documented two alternate methods for determining the QEMM API entry
     point, as well as several of the API functions
   MICEMM (Micronics Expanded Memory Manager) versions 2.0C and 4D support
     the alternate QEMM installation check and entry point functions 00h,
     02h, and 03h; version 4D only provides the signature string if the
     commandline argument "DV" is provided
   386MAX v6.01 responds to this call, but DESQview 2.42 does not
     recognize the returned entry point as providing QEMM's capabilities
     because a) only functions 0Ch (different from QEMM 0Ch) and
           1000h-1009h are supported,
         b) status is returned as for EMS functions, not QEMM funcs
         c) the protected-mode entry point returned by function 1000h
           only supports functions 0Ch, 1004h, 1005h, and 100Ah
   the string check mentioned above is not supported by 386MAX

See Also: AX=5BF0h,AH=DDh,AX=FFA5h,INT 15/AX=11DEh,INT 21/AX=4402h/SF=01h

See Also: INT 21/AX=4402h"QEMM",INT 21/AX=4402h"386MAX",INT 2F/AX=D201h/BX=5145h

Call QEMM entry point with:
   AH = 00h get QEMM state (documented)

       Return: CF clear
           AL = QEMM state
               bit 0 set if QEMM turned OFF
               bit 1 set if in "Auto" mode
   AH = 01h set QEMM state (documented)
       AL = new state
           bit 0 set: place QEMM in OFF state

       Return: CF clear if successful
           CF set on error
   AH = 02h get ???

       Return: CF clear
           AX = segment of ??? data structure
           Data Structure
           Offset  Size    Description
            00h    DWORD   page table entry for ???
   AH = 03h get QEMM version (documented)

       Return: CF clear
           AX = BX = version in BCD

       Notes:  the most recent official docs state that the version is
             returned in both AX and BX; older documentation only
             mentions BX
           MICEMM returns AX=0001h, BX unchanged
   AH = 04h allocate 4K page and set AUTO/ON mode

       Return: CF clear if successful
               DX = page number of a 4K page
           CF set if unable to allocate page

       Note:   QEMM mode unchanged if not AUTO/OFF
   AH = 05h free 4K page and turn QEMM off
       DX = page number returned by function 04h

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   QEMM mode unchanged if not AUTO/ON
   AH = 06h make new mapping context???
       DX = page number of 4K page to hold page table

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   copies page table into given page and then sets ???
             page table entry to point at copy
   AH = 07h get mapping context

       Return: CF clear
           DX = page number of page table for current mapping
   AH = 08h set mapping context???
       DX = linear page number of page table

       Return: CF clear
   AH = 09h get linear page number for page table entry
       CX = page table index

       Return: CF clear
           DX = linear page number
   AH = 0Ah set linear page number for page table entry
       CX = page table index
       DX = linear page number

       Return: CF clear
   AH = 0Bh map 4K pages
       BX = number of pages
       CX = first page number (must be 0100h to allocate HMA)
       DX = EMS handle (memory belonging to EMS handle will be mapped
           into the address space beginning with the first page
           allocated to the handle)

       Return: AH = 00h
   AH = 0Ch get available memory

       Return: CF clear
           BX = 0001h
           CX = total 4K pages???
           DX = number of 4K pages free
   AH = 0Dh ??? (related to callbacks)
       AL = 00h/01h/02h ???

       Return: CF clear
   AH = 0Eh set ??? callbacks
       DS:BX -> FAR routine for ???
       ES:DX -> FAR routine for ???

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   DS:BX callback should return BX=???; ES:DX is called
             with BX=???, and should set the ??? from which the
             other handler read the value of BX.  BH and BL
             appear to be separate values.
   AH = 0Fh unmap 4K pages
       CX = first page number
       DX = number of pages

       Return: CF clear
           AL = 00h/01h if ???

       Note:   if CX=0100h and DX=0010h, the HMA is remapped to
             simulate a disabled A20
   AX = 1000h get protected-mode interface
       DS:SI -> 16-byte buffer for two GDT entries
       ES:DI -> buffer for 4K page table

       Return: CF clear
           EAX = offset of protected-mode API entry point
           DS:SI buffer filled with two GDT descriptors
               first is QEMM code segment, second is data???
           ES:DI buffer filled with 4K page table
           DI points to first unused page table entry

       See Also: INT 67/AX=DE01h
   AX = 1001h get CPU debug registers
       ES:DI -> buffer for debug registers (8 DWORDs)

       Return: CF clear
           BL = INT01 handling (see function 1002h)
           ES:DI buffer filled
   AX = 1002h set CPU debug registers
       BL = INT01 handling
           00h  reflect all debugging exceptions as V86-mode INT 01's
           else convert debugging exceptions other than single-step
              into V86-mode INT 03's, single-step to INT 01's
       ES:DI -> buffer containing debug registers (8 DWORDs)

       Return: CF clear

       Notes:  identical to INT 67/AX=DE09h if BL=01h
           the INT01 handling flag is set to 01h by the general-
             protection violation handler for certain privileged
   AX = 1003h get machine status word CR0

       Return: CF clear
           EAX = contents of CR0

       See Also: INT 67/AX=DE07h
   AX = 1004h allocate a 4K page

       Return: CF clear if successful
               EDX = linear address of allocated page
           CF set on error

       See Also: INT 67/AX=DE04h
   AX = 1005h free 4K page
       EDX = linear address of page to free

       Return: CF clear

       See Also: INT 67/AX=DE05h
   AX = 1006h NOP

       Return: CF set
   AX = 1007h get maximum physical memory address

       Return: CF clear
           EDX = physical address of highest 4K memory page

       See Also: INT 67/AX=DE02h
   AX = 1008h get physical address of page in first megabyte
       CX = page number (linear address shifted right 12 bits)

       Return: CF clear
           EDX = linear address of page

       See Also: function 1F00h
   AX = 1009h switch to protected mode
       ESI = linear address in first megabyte of system reg values
           (see INT 67/AX=DE0Ch)
       interrupts disabled

       Return: interrupts disabled
           GDTR, IDTR, LDTR, TR loaded
           SS:ESP must have at least 16 bytes space, and the
               entry point is required to set up a new stack
               before enabling interrupts
           EAX, ESI, DS, ES, FS, GS destroyed
   AX = 100Ah switch back to virtual-86 mode
       DS = selector for data segment from function 1000h
       SS:ESP in first megabyte of linear memory
       interrupts disabled
       STACK:  QWORD  return address from FAR call to 32-bit segment
           DWORD  EIP
           DWORD  CS
           DWORD  reserved for EFLAGS
           DWORD  ESP
           DWORD  SS
           DWORD  ES
           DWORD  DS
           DWORD  FS
           DWORD  GS
       will switch to virtual86 mode with interrupts disabled, all
         segment registers loaded, and EAX destroyed.
   AH = 11h get memory type map
       AL = zero/nonzero ??? (set by QEMM.COM but apparently ignored
           by QEMM 6.00)
       ES:DI -> 256-byte buffer for memory types

       Return: CF clear
           BL = ???
           ES:DI buffer filled

       Note:   each byte of the buffer corresponds to a 4K page, and
             contains the type of that page: 00h = mappable,
             02h = mapped ROM, 03h = high RAM, 04h = excluded,
             05h = video, 06h = ROM, 07h = adapter ROM,
             08h = split ROM, 09h = page frame, 0Ah = RAMmable,
             0Bh = conventional
   AH = 12h get HIRAM chain

       Return: CF clear
           BX = segment of first MCB in high memory
               0000h if no high memory
   AX = 1300h VIDRAMEGA???
       BL = 00h copy ???
            nonzero copy ??? (reverse)

       Return: CF clear
           AL = 00h if all pages clean
              = 01h if any page dirty
   AX = 1301h check if ???
       DX:DI = start address of range to check ???
       CX = length of range

       Return: CF clear
           CX = ??? (0000h or 1000h)
   AX = 1302h ???
       BL = ???
       BH = ???
       CX = ???
       SI = offset of ???
       DI = offset of ???

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during
             execution; also modifies CRT controller during
             execution under certain circumstances
   AX = 1303h initialize VIDRAM EMS
       BX = number of pages (less 1) of EMS to allocate

       Return: CF clear if successful
               DX = EMS handle
           CF set on error
   AX = 1304h shutdown VIDRAM EMS
       DX = EMS handle

       Return: CF clear
   AX = 1305h ??? (related to VIDRAM, changes memory mappings)
       CX = ???

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during
             execution (see AX=130Ch) and runs inside a QEMM
             critical section
   AX = 1306h set DESQview critical section counter address
       ES:BX -> WORD DESQview critical section counter or 0000h:0000h

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   also sets a pointer in the low-memory part of QEMM to
             the current value of INT 15 if ES:BX not 0000h:0000h
   AX = 1307h ??? (changes memory mappings)

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during
             execution (see AX=130Ch) and runs inside a QEMM
             critical section
   AX = 1308h set/reset ???
       BL = ??? (zero/nonzero)

       Return: CF clear
   AX = 1309h Hercules mode-change support
       ES:BX -> new address for Hercules mode-change callback

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   the callback function is called whenever the CRTC mode
             register is written, with AL set to the value written
   AX = 130Ah virtualize EGA/VGA I/O ports 03C8h/03C9h???
       CX:DX -> buffer for storing CRTC register contents???
           or 0000h:0000h to disable

       Return: CF clear
   AX = 130Bh ???
       BL = ??? (??? or 00h)

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   calls AX=130Eh in some cases
   AX = 130Ch set interrupts to mask
       BX = interrupts to mask out during AX=1302h,AX=1307h,AX=1308h,
           AX=130Dh,AX=1310h (BL = master PIC, BH = slave PIC)

       Return: CF clear
   AX = 130Dh map EGA memory at A0000h

       Return: CF clear

       Note:   disables certain interrupts at the two 8259 PICs during
             execution (see AX=130Ch) and runs inside a QEMM
             critical section

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