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Int 66 Fn 0688  - IBMsnd Driver - Play 8-bit Digitized Sound               [s]

   AX = 0688h
   DS:SI -> SNDSTRUC (see below)

Return: ???
Program: The IBMSND driver is part of John W. Ratcliff's
      The IBM Digitized Sound Package

Note:  the installation check consists of looking for a valid signature
     string six bytes prior to the interrupt handler; this string may
     be either "KERN" or "MIDI" (in the latter case, call AX=0701h to
     determine whether IBMSND is installed)

See Also: AX=068Bh,AX=068Fh,AX=0701h

Format of SNDSTRUC:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   -> audio data
 04h   WORD    length of audio data in bytes
 06h   DWORD   -> playback status flag
 0Ah   WORD    playback frequency

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