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Int 64 Fn 01  U - Bw-nfs - Bwrpc - ???                                     [N]

   AH = 01h
   ES:BX -> ??? (at least 8 bytes)
   ES:BP -> DWORD ???

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       CX = 0000h

Notes: the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive
     interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third
     consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded
   the BWRPC installation check consists of determining the interrupt
     vector assigned to it (two more than the value returned by reading
     the ETHDEV27 device), and testing whether the word immediately
     preceding the interrupt handler is 4257h ('BW')

See Also: INT 62"BW-TCP",INT 63"BW-TCP"
Index: installation checks;BWRPC

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson