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Int 62 Fn 00AF  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_where" - Get Current Cursor Posi  [V]

   AX = 00AFh
   ES:BX -> variable pointers (see below)

Return: indicated variables filled with cursor row and column for active

Note:  For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was unused; "FG_WHERE" was AX=0034h

See Also: AX=0045h,AX=0047h,AX=0055h,AX=0068h

Format of variable pointers:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment of WORD buffer for cursor row
 02h   WORD    offset of WORD buffer for cursor row
 04h   WORD    segment WORD buffer for cursor column
 06h   WORD    offset WORD buffer for cursor column

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