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Int 62 Fn 00A9  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_transfer" - Copy Region           [V]

   AX = 00A9h
   CX = source video page
   DX = destination video page
   ES:BX -> copy record (see below)

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was unused;"FG_TRANSFER" was AX=005Ch
   The source and destination regions must not overlap if they are located
     on the same page

See Also: AX=0083h,AX=0087h,AX=0089h,AX=00A6h

Format of copy record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    left edge column of source region
 02h   WORD    right edge column of source region
 04h   WORD    top edge row of source region
 06h   WORD    bottom edge row of source region
 08h   WORD    left edge of destination
 0Ah   WORD    bottom edge of destination

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