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Int 62 Fn 0089  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_scroll" - Vertically Scroll Scre  [V]

   AX = 0089h
   BX = left edge column
   CX = right edge column
   DX = top edge row
   SI = bottom edge row
   DI = number of pixels by which to scroll (positive scrolls up,
       negative scrolls down)
   ES = type of scroll
       0000h circular (rows scrolled off are copied to vacated rows)
       else vacated rows are filled with the current color

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was "FG_SOUNDS" (see AX=009Eh);
     "FG_SCROLL" was AX=0067h
   In graphics modes, the left and right edges are adjusted to byte
     boundaries if necessary
   Circular scrolling uses part of the hidden page as a workspace

See Also: AX=0071h,AX=0095h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson