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Int 62 Fn 0086  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_revmask" - Display Reversed Imag  [V]

   AX = 0086h
   ES:BX -> array containing image stored as a masking map (see AX=001Dh)
   CX = number of pixel runs in masking map
   DX = width of masking map in pixels

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was unused; "FG_REVMASK" was AX=0053h
   This call is ignored in text modes and in native EGA and VGA graphics
   The image is drawn with its lower left corner at the current graphics
     cursor position

See Also: AX=000Fh,AX=001Dh,AX=002Ah,AX=0085h,AX=008Ch,AX=00A5h

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