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Int 62 Fn 0051  u - Fgdriver V3.03 - "fg_intkey" - Get Keystroke, No Wait  [V]

   AX = 0051h
   ES:BX -> variable pointer record (see below)

Return: variables updated

Notes: For FGDRIVER v1.10, this function was "FG_DRAWMASK" (see AX=001Dh);
     "FG_INTKEY" was AX=006Fh
   If the keyboard buffer is empty, both the ASCII and extended keycodes
     are set to 00h

See Also: AX=000Ah,AX=003Ah,AX=0054h,AX=00ADh,INT 16/AH=01h

Format of variable pointer record:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    segment of BYTE buffer for ASCII keycode
 02h   WORD    offset of BYTE buffer for ASCII keycode
 04h   WORD    segment of BYTE buffer for extended keycode
 06h   WORD    offset of BYTE buffer for extended keycode

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