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Int 62  - Bw-tcp - Hardware Driver (ethdev.sys) - API                      [N]

   AH = function
       00h get physical hardware address
       DS:DX -> 6-byte buffer for address

       Return: AX = length of hardware address???
       01h NOP for ETHDEV.ODI
       02h initialize
       03h get real IP address
       DS:SI -> DWORD buffer for IP address
       04h set ???
       BX = ???
       ES:SI -> FAR routine for ???
       05h ???
       06h ???
       07h ???
       DS:SI -> ???
       08h ???
       CX = ???
       ES:SI -> func08 buffer
       09h hook timer interrupt

       Return: AX = handler ID if successful
       0Ah unhook timer interrupt
       DX = handler ID
       0Bh add ???
       AL = ???
       DX = ???
       BP = ???
       ES:SI -> ???
       0Ch remove ???
       DX = ???
       BP = ???
       0Dh NOP for ETHDEV.ODI
       0Eh begin critical section
       0Fh end critical section
       10h query critical section

       Return: CF clear if no critical section active
           CF set if in critical section
       11h set ???
       ES:SI -> ???

       Return: CF clear
       12h get ?

       Return: AX = ??? (memory variable incremented after reading)
       13h ???
       CX = ???

       Return: AL = 00h if CF clear
       14h ???
       ES:SI -> ???

       Return: AL = 00h if CF clear
       15h get ??? (call after reading ETHDEV27 device)

       Return: AX = ??? (destroyed???)
       16h ???
       17h ???
       DX = segment of ???

       Return: Cf clear
       18h allocate and map EMS for driver

       Note: calls function 17h after EMS allocated and mapped
       FEh map EMS
       00h map in driver's memory
       01h map out driver's memory

Return: CF clear if successful
   CF set on error
       AL = error code

Note:  the Beame&Whiteside TCP/IP protocol stack uses two consecutive
     interrupts (62h and 63h by default); the BW-NFS client uses a third
     consecutive interrupt (64h by default) if it is loaded

See Also: AH=FEh,INT 21/AH=3Fh"BW-TCP",INT 63"BW-TCP",INT 64"BW-NFS"

Format of func08 buffer:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  6 BYTEs  hardware address???
 06h  6 BYTEs  ???
 0Ch   WORD    ???
 0Eh   WORD    ???

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