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Int 61 Fn 2A  - PC/tcp Kernel V2.05+ - Get Configuration Information       [N]

   AH = 2Ah
   DS:SI -> 26-byte buffer for configuration information (see below)

Return: CF clear
   AX = 0000h
   buffer filled

Notes: size of buffer may vary with kernel version; 26 bytes is the size for
     versions 2.05 through 2.2
   this function is not supported by Beame&Whiteside's BWPCTCP v3.0a shim

See Also: INT 61"PC/TCP",INT 61/AH=00h"PC/TCP"

Format of configuration information:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    maximum TCP connections available
 01h   BYTE    maximum UDP connections available
 02h   BYTE    maximum IP connections available
 03h   BYTE    maximum Raw Net connections available
 04h   BYTE    number of TCP connections currently in use
 05h   BYTE    number of UDP connections currently in use
 06h   BYTE    number of IP connections currently in use
 07h   BYTE    number of Raw Net connections currently in use
 08h   WORD    number of local network descriptors active
 0Ah   WORD    number of global network descriptors active
 0Ch   BYTE    maximum header size on network
 0Dh   BYTE    maximum trailer size on network
 0Eh   WORD    size of large packet buffer
 10h   WORD    number of network interfaces attached
 12h   DWORD   milliseconds since kernel started
 16h   DWORD   IP broadcast address

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