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Int 61 Fn 0008  - Banyan Vines - Post Message On Local Display             [N]

   AX = 0008h
   BX = 0002h
   CX = flags
       bit 0: message will remain on screen until user presses X
       bit 1: ring bell after displaying message
       bit 2: blink
   DS:DX -> ASCIZ string to display (only first 80 chars used)

Return: AX = status
       0000h successful
       000Bh message display function currently busy
       000Ch message queue full

Note:  queues up to three messages to be displayed on the bottom line

See Also: AX=0008h/BX=0003h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson