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Int 61 Fn 0007  - Banyan Vines - Enumerate Streettalk Names                [N]

   AX = 0007h
   BX = 0008h
   DS:DX -> enumerate block (see below)

Return: AX = status
       0000h successful
       0411h all matching names have been returned
       0412h some groups unavailable, all available matches returned

Note:  each program using this call should continue until a nonzero status
     is returned; otherwise, some resources will not be freed for several

See Also: AX=0007h/BX=0007h

Format of enumerate block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    return code
 02h   WORD    pointer to pattern string
 04h   WORD    enumerate type
       0064h organization
       00C8h group
       012Ch item
 06h   WORD    enumerate class
       0000h unspecified (return all matching items)
       0001h user names
       0002h service names
       0003h list names
       0004h nicknames
 08h   WORD    pointer to category criteria block (see below) or 0
 0Ah   WORD    pointer to array of 64-byte returned names
 0Ch   WORD    number of names returned
 0Eh  6 BYTEs  reserved for subsequent enumerated calls (set to zeros on first

Format of category criteria block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    exclude flag
       0000h return only items with the specified categories
       0001h return all items except those with the given categories
 02h   WORD    number of categories
 04h   WORD    category 1 value
 06h   WORD    category 2 value

Values for common service categories:
 0002h file service
 0003h print service
 0004h mail service
 0005h StreetTalk
 0006h time service
 0008h semaphore service
 0009h 3270/SNA service
 000Ah asynchronous terminal emulation service
 000Ch NETBIOS service
 000Dh PC-based service

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