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Int 61 Fn 0005  - Optima 1024 VGA-sync - Query Zoom Window                 [V]

   AX = 0005h
   BX:CX -> buffer for window parameters (see below)

Notes: INT 61 is the default interrupt; the actual interrupt number can be
     obtained by calling INT 16/AH=FFh
   not all vendors include the Tseng TSR which supports these functions

See Also: AX=0000h"OPTIMA",AX=0003h"OPTIMA",AX=0006h"OPTIMA"

See Also: INT 16/AH=FFh"OPTIMA"

Format of window parameters:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    X start of zoom window
 02h   WORD    Y start of zoom window
 04h   WORD    X end of zoom window
 06h   WORD    Y end of zoom window
 08h   WORD    current zoom factor
 0Ah   WORD    zoom offset start X
 0Ch   WORD    zoom offset start Y

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