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Int 61 Fn 0003  - Banyan Vines - Async Terminal Emulation - Init User Buf  [N]

   AX = 0003h subfn 00h
   DS:BX -> argument block (see below)

Return: AX = status (see below)

See Also: AX=0003h/SF=06h,AX=0003h/SF=08h,AX=0003h/SF=0Dh

Values for status:
 0000h successful
 000Bh invalid session ID
 000Ch session not active
 000Dh invalid request type
 000Eh invalid parameters
 000Fh out of heap space
 0010h timeout on send
 0011h Banyan communications error
 0012h session not waiting for host
 0013h session is active
 0014h duplicate suspend session request
 0015h no session suspended
 0016h ring data buffer full
 0017h printer error encountered
 0018h Banyan communications error
 0019h unable to make connection
 001Ah no ring buffer specified at startup
 001Bh service is down
 001Ch invalid service name
 001Dh service is closed
 001Eh invalid connection name
 001Fh max session limit reached for service
 0020h access rights list for connection/dialout does not include this user
 0021h service not responding
 0022h missing telephone number

Format of argument block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    session ID (00h)
 01h   BYTE    00h (func "initialize user buffer pointer information area")
 02h   WORD    -> user buffer ptr info area in caller's current DS (see below)

Format of user buffer ptr info area:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    flags
       0000h don't read interface's data buffer
       0001h read data buffer
 02h   DWORD   pointer to ring buffer
 06h   WORD    length of ring buffer
 08h   WORD    ring buffer offset to last byte read by caller
 0Ah   DWORD   pointer to WORD containing offset of last byte
         in ring buffer filled
 0Eh   DWORD   pointer to screen buffer
 12h   DWORD   pointer to field containing cursor position
 16h   DWORD   pointer to terminal status area (see below)

Format of terminal status area:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    status of session: 4Eh=oNline, 46h=oFfline, 57h=Waiting
 01h   BYTE    terminal type (00h=VT100, 01h=TTY, 02h=VT52, 03h=IBM3101)
 02h   BYTE    current keypad mode (VT100,VT52 only)
       4Eh ("N") numeric mode
       41h ("A") application mode
 03h  4 BYTEs  current state of LEDs (VT100 only)
       00h off
       01h on
 07h   WORD    line error count
 09h   WORD    primary error code (see below)
 0Bh   WORD    secondary error code

Values for primary error code:
 0000h no error
 0001h unable to make connection
 0002h communications error, restart session
 0003h async terminal emulation service unavailable
 0004h lost carrier
 0005h all matching lines busy
 0006h no lines defined for connection name
 0007h no dial lines available on server
 0008h no matching dial lines available
 0009h out of heap space
 000Ah service error encountered
 000Bh timed out waiting to connect
 000Ch communications error
 000Dh communications error
 000Eh host wants file transferred to/from PC
 000Fh host software changed session parameter
 0010h host software changed tap settings
 0011h host software changed LED indicator
 0012h host software changed display background (secondary error code 00h for
     white on black, 01h for black on white)
 0013h host software changed display option (secondary error code 00h for off,
     01h for on)
 0014h communications error
 0015h communications error
 0016h unable to make connection
 0017h unable to make connection

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