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Int 61 Fn 0002  - Banyan Vines - 3270 Interface                            [I]

   AX = 0002h
   BH = function
       00h "pi2reset"  reset 3270/SNA or 3270/BSC driver
       02h "pi2bsc" (3270/BSC only)
       03h "pi2get"    get information stored in 3270 resident driver
       04h "pi2put"    store information in 3270 resident driver
       05h "pi2gcur"   get current screen position
       07h "pi2sdat"   send data keystroke
       08h "pi2scom"   send command keystroke
       0Ah "pi2field"  get field info for arbitrary screen positions
       0Fh "pi2stat"   get logical unit/device status
       12h "pi2nlus"   determine logical unit/device assignment
       13h "pi2gate"   specifies comm port address to gateway service
       14h "pi2attach" attach a logical unit/device
       15h "pi2sdev"   save logical unit/device info in resident driver
               (not supported in >3.0)
       16h "pi2gdev"   get device information (not supported in >3.0)
       17h "pi2luinfo" get info about specific logical unit/device
       18h "pi2gerr"   get finer error detail
       19h "pi2dhold"  (3270/SNA only)  holds a 3270 device
       1Ah "pi2shut"   release memory-resident module
       1Ch "pi2sprof"  save profile info in res driver (not supp in >3.0)
       1Dh "pi2gprof"  get prevsly stored profile info (not supp in >3.0)
   DS:CX -> argument block (except BH=00h,1Ah)

Return: AX = status (see below)

Notes: Either 3270/SNA or 3270/BSC interface may use AX=0002h, depending on
     which is loaded first.  The other interface will use AX=000Ah
   Status codes greater than 63h indicate an inconsistency in the 3270/SNA
     or 3270/BSC resident driver, which must be reloaded by the user

Values for status:
 0000h successful
 000Bh invalid parameter or data does not fit data area
 000Ch another code path currently active in resident driver
 000Dh operation currently not allowed
 0032h encountered connection disconnect error
 0033h encountered "sosend" completion error
 0034h encountered "sosend" communication error
 0035h attach request refused. extended error info via "pi2gerr":
   01h resource unavailable
   02h invalid type
   03h version mismatch
   04h invalid logical unit number
   05h error during ARL processing
   06h no access for user
 0071h encountered "sosock" error
 0072h encountered unrecognizable error
 0073h encountered "sowait" error (extended info via "pi2gerr")
 0074h encountered invalid type-of-request on "sowait"
 0075h encountered "sorec" error (extended info via "pi2gerr")
 0076h encountered "sorec" completion error (ext info via "pi2gerr")
 0077h encountered connection request
 0078h encountered unrecognizable data
 0079h encountered unknown connection ID (ext info via "pi2gerr")

Format of argument block for BH=03h,04h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    size of data area (max 256)
 02h  N BYTEs  data area

Format of argument block for BH=05h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for cursor index
 04h   WORD    pointer to BYTE buffer for current field attribute

Format of argument block for BH=07h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    ASCII data byte
 04h   WORD    pointer to WORD count of characters which will need updating

Format of argument block for BH=08h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    keystroke
       0000h Enter
       0001h Clear
       0002h PA1
       0003h PA2
       0004h PA3
       0005h PF1
       001Ch PF24
       001Dh CSELECT (cursor select)
       001Eh Insert
       001Fh Delete
       0020h EOField
       0021h EINPUT (erase input)
       0022h Reset
       0023h Attention
       0024h SysReq
       0025h Duplicate
       0026h Fieldmark
       0027h Home
       0028h NextLine
       0029h Tab
       002Ah BackTab
       002Bh cursor up
       002Ch cursor down
       002Dh cursor right
       002Eh cursor left
       002Fh double cursor right
       0030h double cursor left
       0031h PRINT
       0032h CANCEL
       0033h Backspace

Format of argument block for BH=0Ah:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    screen index
 04h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for field length
 06h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for offset in screen of field start

Format of argument block for BH=0Fh:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    clear mask (clear these bits of status after returning status)
 04h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for device status (see below)

Bitfields for device status:
 bit 10 status modified
 bit 9 buffer modified
 bit 8 set cursor
 bit 5 sound alarm
 bits 1-0  size of print line for printer logical units
   00  unformatted line
   01  40-character line
   10  64-character line
   11  80-character line

Format of argument block for BH=12h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for number of logical units or devices
 02h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for version number
 04h   WORD    pointer to 64-byte buffer for logical unit/device list

Format of argument block for BH=13h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 16 BYTEs  communications port address (see AX=0001h#"Sosock")

Format of argument block for BH=14h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
       0000h attach any free device of the specified type
 02h   WORD    logical unit/device type
       (3270/SNA) 01h, 02h, or 03h
       (3270/BSC) 02h display
       (3270/BSC) 03h printer
 04h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for attached logical unit/device number

Format of argument block for BH=16h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    pointer to 18-byte buffer for device block (see below)
       first WORD must be set to desired logical unit/device number

Format of argument block for BH=17h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    pointer to information block in caller's DS (see below)

Format of argument block for BH=18h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for major error code
 02h   WORD    pointer to WORD buffer for minor error code

Format of argument block for BH=19h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number

Format of argument block for BH=1Ch,1Dh:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    pointer to profile block in caller's DS (see below)

Format of device block, argument block for BH=15h:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    logical unit/device number
 02h   WORD    logical unit/device type
 04h   WORD    display model number
 06h   WORD    numeric checking
 08h   WORD    status line
 0Ah   BYTE    unprotected normal field attribute
 0Bh   BYTE    unprotected intensified field attribute
 0Ch   BYTE    protected normal field attribute
 0Dh   BYTE    protected intensified field attribute
 0Eh   WORD    reserved
 10h   WORD    printer port number

Format of information block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    device model number
 02h   DWORD   screen buffer pointer
 06h   DWORD   status line pointer (see below)
 0Ah   DWORD   reserved

Format of status line:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    comm line status
       00h inactive
       01h active
 01h   BYTE    activation level
       01h physical unit activated
       02h logical unit also activated
       03h session is bound
 02h   BYTE    data traffic state
       00h inactive
       01h active
 03h   BYTE    screen ownership
       00h SLU->PLU sessoin owns screen
       01h SLU->SSCP session owns screen
 04h   BYTE    keyboard status (see below)
 05h   BYTE    insert mode
       01h if in insert mode
 06h   BYTE    numeric
       01h if current screen buffer is numeric only
 07h   BYTE    printer status
       00h printer not assigned
       01h printer is inactive
       02h printer error
       03h currently printing
       04h printer is busy
       05h printer is very busy
 08h   BYTE    printer assignment
 09h   BYTE    maximum size of network name
 0Ah  N BYTEs  ASCIZ network name
   BYTE    maximum size of message window
      M BYTEs  null-terminated message window
   BYTE    code set
       00h EBCDIC
       01h ASCII
      M BYTEs  extended attributes
       01h extended attributes are in effect (stored at screen+1920)
           each extended attribute specifies
           bits 0,1: 00=normal, 01=blink, 10=reverse, 11=underscor
           bits 2-4: 000=default,001=blue,010=red,011=pink,
   BYTE    extended color
       01h other than base color is in effect

Values for keyboard status:
 00h   UNLOCK - ready to accept data
 01h   TIME - aid was struck
 02h   SYSTEM - received response no restore
 03h   FUNCTION - unavailable keyboard function
 04h   INPUT - not currently used
 05h   ENDFIELD - field filled in insert mode
 06h   PROTECTED - attempt to enter in protected field
 07h   NUMERIC - attempt to enter in numeric field
 08h   PROGRAM - error in outbound data stream

Format of profile block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 64 BYTEs  gateway service name
 40h 16 BYTEs  gateway comm port address
 50h   WORD    primary logical unit number
 52h   WORD    secondary logical unit type
 54h   WORD    secondary logical unit number
 56h   WORD    printer assignment
 58h 50 BYTEs  keyboard definitions filename

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