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Int 61 Fn 0001  - Banyan Vines - "sosock" - Open Communications Socket     [N]

   AX = 0001h subfn 0001h
   DS:DX -> communications control block (function 0001h)

Return: AX = status (see below)

Note:  Banyan can use any interrupt from 60h through 66h.  The Banyan
     interrupt handler is identified by the string "BANV" in the four
     bytes immediately preceding the interrupt handler

See Also: AX=0001h/SF=0002h,AX=0001h/SF=0008h,INT 15/AX=DE2Eh

Values for status:
 0000h successful
 0001h service not installed
 0002h invalid service ID
 0098h resource already in use
 009Eh address family does not exist
 009Fh socket type does not exist
 00A0h protocol does not exist
 00A1h no more sockets available
 00A2h no more buffer space available

Format of control block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    0001h
 02h   WORD    pointer to argument block
 04h   WORD    error return code
 06h  4 BYTEs  reserved

Format of argument block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    pointer to 2-byte buffer for socket identifier
 02h   WORD    address family
       0003h Banyan
 04h   WORD    socket type
       in address family 0003h
           0001h IPC socket
           0002h SPP socket
 06h   WORD    protocol number
       FFFFh default
 08h   WORD    pointer to 16-byte buffer for socket address
 0Ah   WORD    local port number
       0000h if service should assign transient port number
       0001h to 01FFh well-known port number (assigned by Banyan)

Format of IPC port:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    address family (always 0003h for Banyan ports)
 04h  4 BYTEs  network number (server's serial number)
 06h   WORD    subnet number  (0001h = server, 8000h-FFFEh = PC)
 08h   WORD    port ID (0001h-01FFh for "well-known" ports)
 0Ah   BYTE    hop count
 0Bh  5 BYTEs  filler

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