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Int 61  - Tcpopen Kernel - API                                             [N]

   ES:BX -> request packet (see below)
Program: TCPOpen is a TCP/IP protocol stack by Lanera

Note:  the interrupt number may be set to any value from 60h through 7Fh
     (default 61h) via the configuration file; there does not appear
     to be an installation check, though function FFFFh can be used to
     verify that the software is indeed functioning

Format of request packet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h  8 BYTEs  ???
 08h   WORD    function number (0000h-001Ah or FFF9h-FFFFh)
 0Ah   WORD    ???
 0Ch  2 BYTEs  ???
 0Eh   WORD    (return) return code
 10h  2 BYTEs  ???
 12h   WORD    ???
 14h   WORD    (return) 0001h if requested function complete
 16h   WORD    (return) ???
 18h  6 BYTEs  ???
 1Eh   DWORD   -> ???
 22h   WORD    ??? or 0000h
 24h   WORD    (return) ???

Function FFFFh: installation verification

   Return: offset 10h = BEEFh
       offset 14h = 0001h
       offset 24h = ???
Index: installation check;TCPOpen kernel

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