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Int 60 Fn 00  - Mdebug - Get Status                                        [G]

   AH = 00h
   DS:SI -> password or a null byte

Return: AX = return code
       FFFEh password is invalid
       FFFDh display mode is invalid
      else successful
       ES = value of the monitor register SE
       DI = value of the monitor register OF
       CH = monitor color
       CL = interpreter color
       BH = monitor start line
       BL = interpreter start line
       AH = makecode of the hotkey
       AL = ASCII code of the hotkey
       DL = status of special keys (only SHIFT, ALT, CTRL) for the
           hotkey (coded as for the keyboard flag at 0040h:0017h)
       DH = basic process number for the communication with drivers
           process number for the display driver, DH+1 = process
           number for the command driver(s)
   DS:SI -> MDEBUG identification table
Program: MDEBUG is a shareware memory-resident debugging tool by Bernd
     Schemmer, including a memory monitor, an interpreter, and a

Notes: MDEBUG uses INT 60 by default, but may be directed to any of INT 60
     through INT 67; the interrupt handler is preceded by the signature
     "USERINT" and is not chained
   if DS:SI points at a null byte, MDEBUG will prompt for a password if
     passwords are active; enough stack space must be provided for an
     INT 10h call (which MDEBUG uses while prompting for the password)

See Also: AH=02h"MDEBUG"
Index: hotkeys;MDEBUG

Format of MDEBUG identification table:
Offset Size    Description
 -2    WORD    entry offset
 00h   WORD    CS of MDEBUG
 02h   DWORD   old INT 08h vector
 06h   DWORD   old INT 09h vector
 0Ah   DWORD   address INT 16h routine used by MDEBUG
 0Eh   BYTE    length of version string
 0Fh  N BYTEs  version string

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