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Int 60  u - HP 95lx System Manager - Set Communications Settings           [b]

   DI = 0E14h
   STACK:  2 WORDs unused dummies (for calls from high level languages)
       WORD    comm channel handle
       DWORD   pointer to comm settings (see below)

Return: ???
   STACK unchanged

See Also: INT 60/DI=0E15h

Format of comm settings:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   BYTE    dial type ('T' tone, 'P' pulse)
 01h   WORD    baud rate divisor (115200/baud_rate)
 03h   BYTE    parity (00h none, 08h odd, 18h even, 28h mark, 38h space)
 04h   BYTE    stop bits (00h one, 04h two)
 05h   BYTE    data bits - 5
 06h   BYTE    software handshake
       01h none, 02h XOFF/XON, 04h XOFF/any, 08h ENQ/ACK
 07h   BYTE    infrared (01h off, 02h on)
 08h   BYTE    duplex (01h half, 02h full)
 09h   BYTE    echo (01h echo, 02h no echo)

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